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Karsyn's Kickass Jocoserious, Kooky, Jannock book blog: "Make Me Read It" Read-a-Thon

Friday, July 20, 2018

"Make Me Read It" Read-a-Thon

I'm participating in the "Make Me Read It" Read-a-Thon that will be running August 6th through August 13th. For more info, click on the graphic above to be taken to the blog for more info.

For you all, I'm asking you to pick a book for me to read. Books with the most votes, from here, my Goodreads Group and Reddit will be the ones that I read.

I plan to read AT LEAST 7 BOOKS, more if I am able!

Please vote on a book for me!


  1. Good luck with your goal of seven books! I ended up voting for Sanctuary, simply because that's the book I'm most familiar with and I enjoyed reading it. :)

    Here is my poll!

  2. Oh gosh so many I could have chosen. I ended up picking Foundryside because I recently read it and loved it. But Bones and Bourbon is great read too!

    Good luck!

  3. I love all the covers but I went with Bones and Bourbon because I loved the title. Best of luck with your goal of seven books!

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  4. I went for The Game Masters of Garden Place, just because I love that cover. Looks like a fun book!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
