2015 Reading Stats
Number Of Books You Read:
My initial goal was 250, then I raised it to 300 at some point during the summer. As I approached 300 in the fall, I decided to raise it again to 333, as with the time in the year that was left, I figured I'd be able to reach it before year end.
Number of Re-Reads:
My re-reads were: The Night Circus (my all time favorite book), The Great Zoo of China, The Martian, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, The Bad Beginning and Zoo.
Genre You Read The Most From:
Mystery / Suspense
I read almost everything now, my tastes have become very wide, but Mystery / Suspense will always be my fall back genre.
Best in Books 2015
*** New to me Books only, no re-reads as answers ***All Covers link back to GoodReads
1 Best Book You Read In 2015?

2 Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn’t?
Definitely Armada. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the book, but after Ready Player One, I thought that I was going to LOOOOOVE it, and it very much did NOT live up to RPO in any sense. Though I thought it was a solid 4 star book, it's just lacking the magic that RPO had, and I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I thought that I would.
3 Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read in 2015?

The Game. The book blurb doesn't do this book or series justice. I was on a virtual reality / gaming kick and decided to give it a try, despite the lack of blurb. I as really really surprised by how good it was and how it sucked me in. It's actually VERY complicated and I'm still not sure I understand exactly everything that happened, but it was very enjoyable to read, and I was very glad I gave it a try, after not being blown away by the blurb.
4 Book You “Pushed” The Most People To Read (And They Did) In 2015?

5 Best series you started in 2015? Best Sequel of 2015?
Best Series Ender of 2015?

Best series ender was Winter. It was a great story and it wrapped up everything really well I thought. I'm always worried that authors won't give enough of a "what happened next" and many times we never know. With Winter, I felt she did a great job with showing us a little down the line and wrapping everything up in a neat bow. I am looking forward to the novella coming out though to see what else happened.
6 Favorite new author you discovered in 2015?
That's a hard one as well, because there are quite a few. So, I'm going to go with the one that I actually read the most of, in 2015, because reading many of their books means I really like them. So, going by that, I'd say my favorite new author I discovered is Jeremy Robinson. I read 10 of his novels and 11 of his novellas. He's the most like Matthew Reilly (one of my favorite authors) that I've read, and I really enjoy his books.

7 Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone?
I don't have a comfort zone anymore. I really expanded my reading in the past few years and I'll try pretty much anything, if it sounds good to me. I suppose Throne of Glass could count, as I don't read a lot of High Fantasy. Other than that, I just read such a variety.

8 Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year?
I'm gonna go with Solarversia for this one. Solarversia is pretty unknown but QUITE an enjoyable book. It's about a year-long game being played out in virtual reality. I loved the book, I thought it was great from start to finish. Though there were some things that I wish had been different, overall, I loved it. What is even better is that the author plans on trying to make the game a reality. I don't know if it will ever happen, but if it did, I'd be getting it!
9 Book You Read In 2015 That You Are Most Likely To Re-Read Next Year?

10 Favorite cover of a book you read in 2015?
My favorite cover of a book that I read was definitely Crimson Bound. Too bad it wasn't NEARLY as good of a book as Cruel Beauty (even better cover) was. I was really disappointed with it. My favorite cover of a book that I absolutely LOVED was Qualify.
11 Most memorable character of 2015?
Mark Watney. Nothing else needs to be said with that. LOL! If you've read it, you know why. He's AWESOME. One of my small gripes about the movie was that they PG-13'd the crap outta him. :( You only hear him say "Fuck" once, which really really sucks. I wish they hadn't made it so family friendly and just kept him as is, because he is awesome, just the way he is!! "Look - ( . Y . )" LOL!

12 Most beautifully written book read in 2015?
Hmmmmm, hard one. The most beautifully written book (to me) I have ever read, was The Night Circus, and nothing I've read since has compared when it comes to my interpretation of beautiful. I guess I would have to go with The Martian again, as it was the one book I can say "OMG that was absolutely fantastic" about.

13 Most Thought-Provoking/ Life-Changing Book of 2015?
I read for entertainment, almost exclusively. I don't read to get enlightened or to think. I read books I will enjoy for the fun of it. So, there were no true thought-provoking / life changing books that I read. I suppose the only non-fiction I read could be considered (to others) as thought-provoking, but since I pretty much agreed with practically the whole book, it didn't require much thought. Still ~ Keep Moving was quite enjoyable as I ADORE Dick Van Dyke.
14 Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2015 to finally read?

Besides the above Watney quote, I have to go with the paraphrased (took out a bit that didn't apply to me, but the rest does) ~ “Now I know grief is a whetstone that sharpens all your love, all your happiest memories, into blades that tear you apart from within. Something has been torn out from inside me that will never be filled up, not ever, no matter how long I live. They say "time heals," but.... I know that's a lie. What people really mean is that eventually you'll get used to the pain. You'll forget who you were without it; you'll forget what you looked like without your scars.”
― Claudia Gray, A Thousand Pieces of You

YAY for GoodReads and their handy "See Your 2015 in Books". Because of that, I easily and quickly know that the shortest book I read as Allies at 47 pages. It was a novella in the amazing Insignia series. The longest book I read was Winter at 824 pages. And just to round things out, my average page count was 304.

17 Book That Shocked You The Most
I have one in mind, but it was my least favorite book of the year, so I don't wanna talk about it. It's a book most people like too. Stupid book. So beyond that, nothing really SHOCKED me, I don't think. Oh no, that's not true. Dying for Christmas was definitely shocking. I knew SOMETHING was going on, but I didn't know exactly what it was, and that shit was crazy! It was definitely shocking!
18 Favorite Romantic Relationship of the Year

19 Favorite Non-Romantic Relationship Of The Year

20 Favorite Book You Read in 2015 From An Author You’ve Read Previously

Definitely not peer pressure (no one pushes me towards books, I read more than most people I know) but on recommendations, I did finally try the Cut & Run series. I had had a conversation about why M/M is so popular. I've read plenty of erotica, and plenty of three(or more)somes, but never just M/M before. I'm glad I tried it with Cut & Run, as the books have other elements than just the romance in it.

22 Newest fictional crush from a book you read in 2015?
I have GOT to remember to change this question for next year. UGH!! I am in my late 30s, I do not have fictional crushes. I HATE HATE HATE the term "book boyfriend". I'm married and it's just not something that has ever applied to me. And further more, why isn't it "book girlfriend" as well? So, if I HAVE to pick (UGH) I'll go with the obvious choice and say Mark Watney. Chicks I'd go for Lexy Cooper from the Lexy Cooper series. She's messed up, but she's sexy! :D

23 Best 2015 debut you read?
I'd have to go with Red Queen, which I actually just read 12/27. It had sat on my TBR for a while, but hadn't grabbed my attention. For a challenge, I needed to read a book that a teammate had read, so I decided to give it a try. I ended up giving it a 4 and liked it a lot more than I was expecting to. I look forward to reading more.
24 Best Worldbuilding/Most Vivid Setting You Read This Year?
I'm going to say Cragbridge Hall. It was such a fun place. If I had gone to that school, I would have actually enjoyed it and enjoyed learning. It's so much fun and every corner showed something new. If you want something more grown up, I'm going to say the "The Game is Life" series just for the sheer volume of what was done in those books. I'm still not certain I have all the places / worlds correct. It was pretty mindblowing. :)

I'm going to not mention ones I've already mentioned in favor of something new (because I loved so many of those, and Martian may top the list) but I really adored the "Gamehouse" series. It was definitely unique and though the first book was my clear favorite, the concept for all of them was amazing. I really wish there was more, and that the books weren't novella. They were really really great and enjoyable fun books.

I know people love this question, which is why I keep it. I know there are people out there who specifically read tearjerkers, and I don't know WHY. For me, life is miserable enough, without making myself read a book that will make me cry. I won't do it, ever. Probably the most emotional scene I read was the first scene with Mindy Park. THAT was amazing. I didn't cry, but it was emotional and so well done. Other than that, Protecting Jessyka had a few of my triggers in it and I wasn't expecting that, so it was hard to read at times.

27 Hidden Gem Of The Year?
Every book I rated a 5? :) I don't read a lot of the books that everyone else is. I don't read what is popular, for the most part, and if I do it's usually a while later (like The Martian). So, many of the books I read are pretty unknown for the most part. In fact, 97 of the books that I read have 500 or fewer ratings. Compare that with the over 300k that The Martian has ~ I read a lot of unknowns. So, the best of that 97 (that I already haven't mentioned) is The Persona Protocol.
28 Book That Crushed Your Soul?
What does that even mean? I gotta change some of these! I suppose I gotta finally bring up my least favorite book, and most hated book of the year, since it truly pissed me off. That book is (I hate even mentioning it, which is why I won't link it or show the cover) The Giver.

29 Most Unique Book You Read In 2015?
Besides The Martian? :) I'm going to say Future Shock. I love time traveling books and it's one of the few books that I've read that actually is about going to the future. I was pleasantly surprised by it, and really enjoyed it a ton. The Gamehouse series is a close runner up. The concept for those books was very unique and they were a ton of fun to read.
30 Book That Made You The Most Mad?

Looking Ahead to 2016

Well, considering the first book that I started and finished in 2016 was Bravo, does that make it my #1 Priority? I suppose it was, at the time, since I had to read it for a challenge. It definitely wasn't a book I was dying to read. Ohhhh, ohhh, I know. Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics JUST came out. I have GOT to read that. LOVED that first book. Love everything Grabenstein does. That's my priority.

Besides Lemoncello? I'd probably have to say of the ones that have release dates, definitely Paper & Fire or Nil on Fire (there's also Written in Fire coming out this year, what's with the fire?). I'm also looking forward to Head On, the 2nd book in the Lock In series, but there isn't a release date yet.

Most of the 2016 books I am looking forward to are part of a seriess that I have started, or are by authors that I read. The debuts I'm looking forward to are A Crown's Game and Arena. I love anything having to do with competitions or gaming, so both sound right up my alley. Hopefully they will both be enjoyable for me. We'll see! :)
4 Series Ending/A Sequel You Are Most Anticipating in 2016?

5 One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading/Blogging Life In 2016?
I've been neglecting my blog. I need to get back to it more. Other than that, I just want to help out a lot at NBRC, a big GoodReads Group of which I am a new moderator for! Being asked to be a mod came out of the blue, I wasn't expecting it and was so surprised!! I wanna do more there, make some challenges, just help out, and help the group grow and be active. When it comes to reading, I've set my goal low (FOR ME) again. Last year, I set it at the same count, a goal of 250 books. I raised my goals twice this year, first to 300 then when I was near that, I raised it to 333 because I thought I could hit that number at the time, and I ended the year with 335. :) Keeping my goal lower will allow me to have time for other things, such as gaming, writing to my pals, and doing stuff with Swap-Bot and the GoodReads Group. If I get close to my reading goal, I'll just up it again. Mainly I just wanna read what I wanna read and enjoy every book. :)