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Karsyn's Kickass Jocoserious, Kooky, Jannock book blog: Dewey's 24hr Read-a-Thon ~ Kickoff

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Dewey's 24hr Read-a-Thon ~ Kickoff

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It's DEWEY time!!

As per my usual, I woke up WAY too early. I just can't sleep well when I'm excited about something. So I've been awake since 5:20am. YAWN! But that means I'm ready to go. My Hubby just needs to get back with the breakfast of read-a-thons (aka Dunkin Donuts) and I'll be all set!! :) Who is around doing Dewey's with me?!

Let's get going with the Intro Challenge ~

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
I am in Sparta, North Carolina. May will be 4 years that we've been in the state.

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
Long time readers of my blog know I'm I'm not a pre-planner. I am a Fly-By-er. I don't plan, at all. That being said, I DO have a rather extensive TBR pile that's on my radar for today. The books in my TBR are either on the short side, as I like to change it up during Dewey's or will help me with the RPG Game at Nothing But Reading Challenges, a GoodReads group that I am a mod of. Yes, you read that correctly, it's a Role-Playing Game done with books and it is AWESOME!! All books read today will help me in some way or another for my game there. Specifically though, I'm most looking forward to the short stories from the Chronicles of St. Mary's series. If you are a Time Travel fan and have not read this series you MUST!! It's FANTASTIC!! My favorite time travel series of all time now!! (Sorry, Chronos Files, but you are still great too!)

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Is this a trick question?! ALL of them!! I'm definitely a junk food person. I don't agree with a lot of peoples assessments of not doing ALL junk and doing something healthy. Nope. If you are used to all junk, all junk definitely doesn't bother you. No healthy crap here. :) My Hubby is going out for Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast, bringing me glazed donuts and Grape (I call them Grape Ape) Kickstarts. Yum! Snacks for the day include ~ Peach Rings, Smores Goldfish, Oreos and whatever Hubby gets me from His donut run. Bagel Bites for lunch, Chicken Ranch Salad probably for dinner. :) And of course, lots and lots of Mountain Dew & Kickstarts! :)

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
HI! I'm Karsyn, in my late 30s, deeply in love with and married to my high school best friend. I LOVE to read, obviously, and am blessed with a ton of time to read. In a typical month I will read 15-20 books, often more, and when there's something going on, like Dewey's, I read a ton more! Beyond my books, I'm a gamer, and I built my own Gaming PC last year which I named Widget (after The Night Circus character). Widget is GREAT and we've had so much fun playing games on him!! I'm a fairly new mod to the previously mentioned Nothing But Reading Challenges group at GoodReads and I am always there doing new things, including a Relay Sprint being held for the 24 hours of Dewey's today.

5) If you participated in the last RaT, what’s 1 thing you’ll do different today?
Same stuff as last time, a variety of books I've been looking forward to, and short audiobooks, rather than when I tried a long one my first time around. Not smart! :) This time I decided not to cheer, I just wasn't up for it, so I'm going to focus on reading and only post occasionally. I'm a new post each time person. I definitely don't like doing one long post. This, and NBRC, will be the only places that I will post. I am NOT NOT NOT a Twitter person, I hate even writing the name. I know I miss out on a lot of interaction (which used to be my favorite part) because of it, but it's just not for me. Maybe you can tell, I'm a tad bit too long winded for the likes of that place!! :)

Potential TBR

(As always, linked to GoodReads)

Kindle Books

Audio Books

THANKS for visiting! Leave me a link, and I'll come check out your kick-off post


  1. Karsyn, you had me at naming your computer Widget- Night Circus in the best! Have fun eating all the crap and reading all the books!!

    1. LOL! The Night Circus IS the best, it's my favorite book. You may have been able to tell that by my blog, which has the Night Circus theme going on here too (Black & White with red, plus the tree).

      I'll definitely be having fun!! Hope you have a great time as well! Thanks for visiting!!

  2. Wow! I kind of blinked when you said that you lived in Sparta, because I live in Sparta in another state! That stack of books looks quite delicious and YES! you are using this readathon to actually advance in the RPG games on NBRC! That's an awesome thing to contribute too! Thanks for reminding me, I'll definitely keep that in mind.

    Here is my intro post:

  3. Happy Reeading Karsyn! I, too, have books in my TBR related to NBR challenges namely netgalley and TBR ones.

    You look like you have a good cross section of books there so enjoy and Good Luck ! :-)
