Morning ya'll. Here I am, up bright and early (for me) to start a day of reading! Woohoo! My hubby knew I was going to do this today but I told him to get me up at 9am. So when I rolled outta bed before 7, he was like ~ what in the hell are you doing awake already?! LOL!
I decided to get an early start. I already have an hour in of reading, so YAY. I'm gonna do a few things online and then jump right back into the book I started last night for my own Beat Your Best RaT ~ Haunted by Kay Hooper.
I hope you all have fun today. If you are joining in, leave me a link and I'll come visit later when I listen to some audio and blog surf.
Start of RaT Questionnaire
What part of the world are you reading from this weekend?
Like our hosts, I am in Eastern USA, specifically in the mountains of North Carolina. We moved here about 2 1/2 years ago (from Central Florida) and I love it here, especially this cold weather!!What book are you most looking forward to reading?
I'm not a planner, so I don't know what I'm going to read, beside the book that I am on right now, so I'm looking forward to that one most right now, Haunted by Kay Hooper. For my own Read-a-Thon, I am focusing on series that I've left uncompleted. I'm going to be reading books to completely finish out a series, and/or to get caught up in ongoing series.Are you planning on reading from someplace besides your house or apartment this weekend?
Nope. It's a chilly weekend, and we have no car, so I'm hanging here at home. My hubby has the weekend off and is marathoning movies, while I read. I'm gonna sit here in my recliner with some Mt Dew and enjoy my day of reading!!Tell us something about yourself!
HI!! I'm in my late 30s, married to my best friend who I have known since high school. In addition to being a reader, I love to write to my pen pals, play video games and watch football and baseball. I am blessed with a TON of time to read and read at least a little bit every day, though I usually read a ton.If you’ve done this readathon before, do you have any tips for other readers? If you haven’t, is there anything you’re nervous about?
I haven't done this particular one, but I've done Dewey's and others. I suggest short and easy books to read, including some audio so you can surf blogs while still reading. :)I'm not a coffee or a tea drinker, and I don't do photo challenges. :( No camera. I'm a Mt Dew drinker and I have a Fruit Punch Kickstart to start out my day. :D
So, I'm going to get this posted and get to it. I'm going read for a while and I'll be by later on in the day to visit people. I hope you all have fun today! Leave me a link if you'd like me to visit you. I love visiting blogs, I don't do Twitter. See ya'll around!!
Night Time Audio listening time/pages: 2 hr 30 min / 213 pagesDay Time Audio listening time/pages:
Kindle reading time / pages: 14 hr / 824 pages (40 of Reached)
Total number of books I've read: 3
Total Pages Read: 1,037 pages
Total Time Read: 16 hr 30 min
Challenges Participated in:
Total blogs visited:
Completed Books:

You did better than I did at getting up. I had the alarm set for 5am (7 your time), but slapped it off and promptly reset it for 8:30. I finally managed to crack a book a little after 9. Happy reading to you!!