The "Beat Your Best" Read-a-Thon is hosted here at KaKiJoKoJa.
Beat Your Best is a brand new read-a-thon, running Nov 15-22. ByB is a completely laid back challenge in which you choose how you will beat your own personal best when it comes to reading. This can be done in small or big ways, and is just meant to encourage you to push yourself with your reading in any way that you choose.
The Info:
The Beat Your Best Read-a-Thon can be done in a variety of ways.
Some examples ~
- The longest book you've read is 450 pages, so you read 500+
- The most books you've read in a week is 3, so you read at least 4
- The most pages you've read in a day is 500, so you read 600+
- New author who you've enjoyed just one book of, so you read 2 more
- You've read most of a series but never finished, so you get it finished
For my BYB RaT, I plan on finishing up some series that I've left undone, and/or making some progress on series that I have multiple books to read to finish or get caught up.
I also want to continue my comics which I've been ignoring lately, but I added that in as well to get back to some of them I've left undone.
My goals for the RaT ~
- Read at least SIX (6) books
- Read 3 from first two sections (to get current)
- Read 3 from last two sections (to make headway on ones 2+ behind)
- Read at least NINE (9) comics
- Read at least the next 3 Oz & next 6 Arkham Unhinged

One Book to get Current with Ongoing

Two Books to Finish

Series with Three or more books to get Current/Finish
(These are just the first book of the 3+)

 far I'm meeting my goal. :) I've got my 3 hours in for day, shouldn't have any problem getting my 3 hours tomorrow. Now...I just have to keep it up through the week. Good luck attacking your pile!