The "Beat Your Best" Read-a-Thon is hosted here at KaKiJoKoJa.
I know only a few people joined me in this RaT, but I wanna say I'm SOOOOOOOOO sorry that I didn't do what I wanted to with it. I had planned on doing some challenges and having some questions and just having interaction, which is what I enjoy a ton from Read-a-Thons. Unfortunately, none of that happened. I've had a cold for 5 weeks straight now. It's not awful, but it has drained me and I've done very little these past weeks because of it. Normally I have a hard time falling asleep at night, not only have I been falling asleep well, I've also been taking random naps here and there. So NOT me and I hate that it affected this RaT. I'm so sorry for that, and I plan to run it again and hopefully I'll be better next time!
As for my own read-a-thon, I just met my own goals. Normally I surpass my goals by a ton, and this one one time where I had to actually work on meeting my goals, which I was able to do, so yay. Here's what my goals were ~
My goals for the RaT ~
Read at least SIX (6) books~ completedRead 3 from first two sections (to get current)~ CompletedRead 3 from last two sections (to make headway on ones 2+ behind)~ CompletedRead at least NINE (9) comics~ CompletedRead at least the next 3 Oz & next 6 Arkham Unhinged~ Completed
Here are the books, and the comics, that I read this past week ~

Books I chose from

One Book to get Current with Ongoing

Two Books to Finish

Series with Three or more books to get Current/Finish
(These are just the first book of the 3+)

So sorry to hear you've been sick for so long! :( No worries about the RAT - I still had a great time working toward my goals. I hope you host another soon!
ReplyDeleteBeing sick sucks! Crummy. I wasn't too worried about a lack of challenges, it was just nice to have some relaxing time to read. Thanks for hosting!