Days 21-25 - There wasn't much to update on, so I decided not to post daily. For these 5 days I mainly did editing, with some writing as well. Took a lot out too though. In all I added just under 2500 words in 5 days, with heavy and light editing all of the days.
Today (26th) I'm going to take completely off (if I can keep from editing) as I've only had 2 full days where I didn't write and/or edit. I think I'm due for one, then I'm gonna write/edit the rest of the month and see if I can leave strong. I only need two more chapters (I think) so once I get those going, it should all wrap up well.
I had my first Critique of my first 3 Chapters, and it wasn't bad. If anyone would like to read the first 3 Chapters (approx 10k - or 7% of the story) feel free to contact me using any means above - email or Goodreads. I'd like honest thoughts on the first 3 Chapters from anyone willing to take a look.
For Camp NaNoWriMo I am challenging myself to write 50,000 words.

Camp NaNoWriMo Progress
Total for NaNo: 53,239 / 50,000 words
Story Novel Total: 68,747 words
- Day 01: 2,105 words written
- Day 02: 3,325 words written
- Day 03: 3,483 words written
- Day 04: 2,633 words written
- Day 05: 5,937 words written
- Day 06: Day off for Dewey's - 5 Books Read
- Day 07: 4,327 words written
- Day 08: 4,020 words written
- Day 09: 2,615 words written
- Day 10: 4,323 words written
- Day 11: A day of Editing
- Day 12: 1,513 words written (not on main project)
- Day 13: 2,401 words written
- Day 14: 0 words written
- Day 15: 3,425 words written
- Day 16: 2,676 words written
- Day 17: A day of Editing & Blurb writing
- Day 18: 3,525 words written
- Day 19: 1,370 words written
- Day 20: 5,505 words written - hit 50,000 words for NaNo!
- Day 21: 828 words written, light editing
- Day 22: 805 words written, light editing
- Day 23: A day of heavy editing
- Day 24: 210 words written, heavy editing
- Day 25: 626 words written, light editing
For anyone interested, my story is EROTICA featuring the following themes: F/F sex, FFM threesomes, BDSM & Polyamory. What I'll do with the story when it's done, I'm not sure.
I'd love to hear from anyone else doing Camp NaNo, now or if you have previously. Thank you for any interest you take in my accountability here.