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Karsyn's Kickass Jocoserious, Kooky, Jannock book blog: Dewey's 24hr read-a-thon - Opening Meme

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Dewey's 24hr read-a-thon - Opening Meme

It's time for Dewey's! This is my 12th one, so I'm gonna be a little lazy and reuse some of these answers and this opening statement as well. Ha! I keep hoping the questions will change one of these times, and they don't... Ah well.

For the first time, since I started doing Dewey's, I don't plan to go the full 24 hours. I MIGHT, but I'm not counting on it. Why, you ask? I'm glad you asked. It's because, for the first time ever, I'm doing a NaNoWriMo event, specifically I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo, which is happening now, for the month of April.

I won't go into the long story, if you are interested, you can go see my post from April 2nd where I first posted about it. I'm updating my blog every day with my progress. Here my Camp NaNoWriMo - Day 5 recap I posted today.

Opening Meme:

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
Sparta, NC ~ the middle of no where. :)

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
THE SECRET RUNNERS OF NEW YORK!!!! Yes, I'm super excited. My favorite author wrote a book in my favorite genre. I. CAN. NOT. WAIT!!!!

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
I don't have any snacks for this year, for the first time ever. There's some Ritz in there, and that's about it. :( Might have my Hubby bring something home, I'm not sure what.

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
HI! I'm Karsyn, over 40 (though much much younger in spirit), deeply in love with and married to my high school best friend. I LOVE to read, obviously, and am blessed with a ton of time to read. In a typical month I will read 15-20 books, often more, and when there's something going on, like Dewey's, I read a ton more! Since I started writing, my reading has taken a nose dive. I read over 40 books in January, but only 25 in Feb and Mar. So bad! But I'm loving writing. Beyond my books, I'm a gamer, and I built my own Gaming PC, 3 years ago, which I named Widget (after The Night Circus character). Widget is GREAT and we've had so much fun playing games on him!! Before I caught the writing bug I was playing RDR2, KH3 and HZD on the PS4, and Subnautica, RE2 and Two Point Hospital on the PC.

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
This is my 12th Dewey's so I'll do what I've been doing, minus the staying up all night. It could happen, but as I write this, I want to get back to my writing, so I don't think I can go two days without it. :)


  1. Happy reading today! I married my high school sweetheart too!

  2. Glad to see you here, Karsyn. I hope you are able to read some and write some.

  3. Happy 12th Readathon! Enjoy your reading and writing time today!
